In 1958, Gwinner, North Dakota based Melroe Manufacturing bought the rights to an innovative three-wheeled loader built by
Cy and Louis Keller of Rothsay, Minnesota. This machine, known as the Melroe Self-propelled loader, was the forerunner of
what became the Bobcat® skid-steer loader, and ultimately what began the compact equipment industry.
In 2008, we mark 50 years of the Bobcat loader and celebrate our position as the world leader in the engineering, manufacturing,
marketing and distribution of compact equipment.
Our success is attributed to the passion of so many….our employees, our dealers, our customers….all those who
together, comprise the greater Bobcat family. We invite you to share in the celebration of our story by enjoying the many
stories of our history, our brand, our people and our products in the pages that follow.
50 years ago, we unleashed something big. We unleashed a way to work better, smarter and faster, and you’ve been doing
it your way ever since. Join us as we unleash the next 50. We look forward to celebrating with you.